The I-Box project (Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education) has as one of the principal objectives to design, create and validate educational materials in digital format about nursing tècniques and procedures in a simulation environment. During the period of January till May, the project team of Tecnocampus in support of their the Audiovisual Support Services (SQAI) created teaching video´s in the Simulation Centre (CSIS)
The participants in the creation of the video´s have been very diverse: students, teachers of the nursing degree, nurses from the clinical practice, retired nurses, and even real patients, have collaborated in the project. With the motivation to improve the training of nurses. Cristina Bascompte and Anna Esparré, third year students Nursing Sciences, share their experience of participating in the project as simulated patients.
To participate in the recordings of training video´s for the I-Box project has allowed me as a student to experience first-hand the nursing interventions from the perspective of the patient. An aspect that Anna Esparré considers as a fundamental understanding. “It trains your sense of empathy and it has allowed me to see some nursing procedures from a very diferent and dynamic perpective¨ she explains. “I really recommend for all nursing students to live this type of experience¨ Anna points out.
In this context, the creation of the materials is being developed in full alignment with the I-BOX project aim: to encourage the active participation of students and to place them at the centre of their learning.
“I was very pleased to see all the editing and the making of these videos. Being part of such an innovative project, being able to see how the teachers never stop researching and are concerned about how to improve their teaching every day, is a great experience”. Cristina Bascompte says that she considers it very positive and enriching to be able to help other students like herself. “Participating in the I-BOX project made my university life a little bit more complete, I would do it again without any doubt”, she concludes.